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Rabu, 27 April 2011

Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy Heartfilia adalah Roh Celestial mage, anggota dari Fairy Tail Guild dan Tim Natsu , dan salah satu protagonis perempuan utama dari seri. Isi [show]

Penampilan Edit

Lucy memiliki mata cokelat, dan rambut pirang yang biasanya diikat oleh pita berwarna bervariasi dalam sekumpulan tunggal ke sisi kanan kepalanya. Dia memiliki payudara besar, dan tubuh montok. ) Nya (dianggap pengukuran Bust: 91cm, Pinggang: 59cm, Hip: (36in, 23in, 36in). 88 cm [2] pengukuran didekati sedikit berbeda di kemudian hari dengan payudara yang 2 kurang dan kurang 1 cm. lain ini [ 3] anggota perangko Lucy terletak di punggung tangan kanannya dan pink. Lucy tidak konsisten memakai pakaian yang sama. Namun, dia selalu memiliki sabuk yang, bersama dengan menjaga roknya, memegang kunci Celestial nya Roh dan sebuah cambuk dengan ujung cinta berbentuk hati. Dia juga mengenakan semacam sepatu hak tinggi. Foto-foto di Galeri Bonus .
Kepribadian Edit

Lucy sangat baik untuk Roh-nya ...
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Lucy adalah salah satu yang lebih waras dan lebih stabil, jika tidak satu-satunya anggota satu, dari Fairy Tail, memiliki akal sehat bahwa anggota lain dari guild tampaknya kurang. Dia secara konsisten menunjukkan dan ratapan atas Natsu dan kebodohan yang lain '. Lucy juga sangat yakin dalam penampilan dan daya tarik seks, tidak termasuk sejumlah kesombongan. Meskipun sikap dangkal, Lucy adalah bersemangat untuk sastra dan sedang dalam proses menulis novel sendiri tentang petualangannya dengan Fairy Tail. Dia adalah anggota dari keluarga Heartfilia, salah satu keluarga konglomerat terkaya dan paling berpengaruh di negara Fiore. Namun, karena terasing hubungannya dengan ayahnya dan kematian ibunya, Layla Heartfilia , ia meninggalkan rumah untuk mengikuti jalan sendiri.

Dari semua penyihir Roh Surgawi mengungkapkan sejauh ini, Lucy adalah satu-satunya yang memperlakukan semangatnya baik. Dia tidak menggunakan mereka sebagai perisai, dia berkelahi bersama mereka, dan memperlakukan roh sebagai orang sementara yang lain memperlakukan mereka sebagai alat dan objek. Dia juga akan berusaha keras untuk memberikan kebahagiaan bahkan jika biaya hidupnya. Meskipun dia secara teknis pemilik roh, ia menyangkal disebut itu dan bukannya menyebut dirinya teman mereka. Mimpinya adalah menulis dan menerbitkan sebuah buku tentang semua petualangan dia berpengalaman dalam Fairy Tail. Telah ditunjukkan bahwa dia telah berubah 18 dalam satu isu seperti yang telah satu tahun sejak ia bergabung dengan ekor peri.
Sejarah Edit

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Lucy awalnya lahir dalam sangat kaya keluarga Heartfilia . Ayahnya dan ibu pada awalnya bagian dari 'yang disebut guild' a pedagang Love & Lucky 'di mana keduanya bertemu dan memutuskan untuk menjadi independen ketika ibu Lucy, Layla, menjadi hamil. Mereka memilih nama ketika mereka melihat bahwa tanda untuk guild itu huruf K hilang sehingga membaca 'Love & Lucy'; dibuat atas kesan mereka sehingga mereka memutuskan untuk nama mereka setelah putri itu. Itu [4]

Di rumahnya, Lucy terus hubungan yang baik dengan staf di real dan mungkin ibunya sampai dia meninggal ketika Lucy sekitar usia sepuluh [5] pada tahun X777, tahun yang sama bahwa naga merawat Natsu, Wendy dan Gajeel Redfox menghilang. Namun, ayahnya terlalu terobsesi dengan bisnis dan uang, seringkali mengabaikan putrinya, sehingga dia melarikan diri dari rumah lebih dari setahun sebelum awal cerita. [6]
Ringkasan Edit
Macao busur Edit

Lucy mencoba merayu seorang pemilik toko ajaib
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Lucy diperkenalkan meratapi tentang kurangnya toko sihir di Hargeon. Di toko hanya di kota, ia berusaha untuk mendapatkan diskon melalui daya tarik seks untuk Roh Surgawi Nikora seharga 20.000 permata, tetapi marah ketika harga cuma menurunkan 1000 permata.

keributan Sebuah mengembangkan di dekatnya; penasaran, dia kepala ke arah itu mendengar nama pengguna sihir Salamander api (yang merupakan penipu bernama Bora ). Ketika dia melihat dia dia merasa detak jantung cepat dan perlahan-lahan bergerak ke arahnya. Perasaan ini segera berakhir ketika Natsu Dragneel dan Happy mengganggu proses berpikir Bora adalah naga Igneel . Mereka langsung pergi, semakin diserang oleh pasukan Bora tentang penggemar wanita, dan akhirnya akan dibuang oleh mereka ketika Natsu menolak tanda tangannya. Lucy berjalan ke dua, ingin berterima kasih kepada mereka (dengan memberi mereka makanan): dia menjelaskan bahwa Bora menggunakan Mantra sihir ilegal yang menarik itu hati orang-orang untuk pengguna dan's interupsi Natsu mengambil yang berlaku. Dia terus mengatakan bahwa dia adalah mage mencari gilda, menjelaskan apa itu juga. Mengingat bahwa kedua sedang mencari seseorang, dia bertanya siapa itu. Mereka menjawab bahwa itu adalah naga yang Igneel guncangan, membuat pernyataan bahwa hal itu tidak akan pernah di kota. Dia pergi untuk pergi, tapi Natsu ingin mengucapkan terima kasih dengan menawarkan tanda tangan Bora's yang dramatis dia menolak.

Kemudian, di bangku taman, dia membaca tentang eksploitasi dari guild Fairy Tail dalam Majalah Bertuah ketika tiba-tiba muncul Bora melalui semak yang menguping percakapannya. Dia menawarkan untuk membantunya bergabung dengan Fairy Tail jika ia bergabung dengan partai perahu malam itu. Dia setuju, berdandan untuk acara ini.

Di atas kapal, Bora menawarkan minuman tapi dia menampar itu pergi berkomentar bahwa itu adalah obat tidur dan ia tidak memiliki niat untuk menjadi gadis. Namun, ia segera menyatakan diri untuk menjadi seorang pedagang budak dan berencana untuk menjual Lucy bersama dengan gadis lain di atas perahu. preman-Nya masih memegang, ia mengambil dia Celestial Roh kunci dan karena mereka tidak berguna baginya, melempar mereka keluar jendela.

Sama seperti Lucy adalah untuk dicap, Natsu tiba-tiba crash melalui atap dan Happy membantu melarikan diri Lucy. sayap magis Happy segera habis dan mereka berdua jatuh ke laut di mana Lucy penyelaman bawah air dan ajaib menemukan kuncinya. Dengan itu ia menyerukan kepada nya Celestial Roh Aquarius yang, setelah peringatan untuk tidak pernah menjatuhkan kunci lagi, jumlah gelombang yang kuat yang bangkai kapal perahu Bora darat. Aquarius, bagaimanapun, menangkap Lucy dan Happy dalam gelombang-nya juga dan gejolak mereka naik perahu. Dari sana, Lucy bergegas untuk membantu Natsu tapi ia tidak membutuhkan bantuan karena ia juga seorang mage. Menggunakan nya Fire Dragon Slayer sihir, Natsu mudah mengalahkan Bora dan goons tapi dia overdoes itu, menghancurkan sebagian besar pelabuhan Hargeon's. Kedatangan militer membuat mereka harus lari cepat menjauh; meraih Natsu ke Lucy dan mengatakan bahwa jika ia mengikuti dia dia bisa bergabung dengan Fairy Tail.

Sehari kemudian, Lucy tiba di serikat, dengan kagum dan sebagian besar takjub terkejut pada kepribadian banyak bervariasi di dalamnya. perkelahian Sebuah berkembang di depannya, dimulai dengan Natsu selama perkelahian ia bertemu dengan anggota lain kedua tim Gray dan juga bertemu Mirajane , dia juga berkomentar bahwa non anggota guild bertindak normal, perkelahian yang akhirnya dihentikan oleh Fairy Tail's Guild Master Makarov sebelum meningkat ke dalam penggunaan sihir. Makarov awalnya mulai memarahi anggota atas tindakan destruktif mereka tetapi segera menerobos masuk ke dalam sebuah pidato inspirasi tentang mengikuti cara Fairy Tail. Malam jatuh, dan Lucy memilih untuk memiliki anggota-nya cap di belakang tangan kanannya.

Natsu daun untuk melakukan pekerjaan lain, tetapi sengaja mendengar bahwa Macao Conbolt , seorang Fairy Tail anggota, telah hilang selama seminggu dan putranya, Romeo , keinginan Makarov untuk mencarinya; Makarov menolak. Pukulan Natsu dinding dan daun. Penasaran, Lucy bertanya Mirajane apa yang salah dengan dia dan dia menjelaskan bahwa mungkin Natsu melihat sejarahnya terjadi di Romeo di mana orang tua angkatnya, Igneel naga api, tiba-tiba menghilang. Karena penasaran ia memutuskan untuk pergi bersama mereka ke pegunungan bersalju marah dan mulai menyesal datang karena dingin belaka. Natsu's blanketand Mencuri membungkus dirinya di dalamnya ia kemudian panggilan Surgawi nya Roh Horologium , semangat jam dengan kompartemen yang dia bisa bersembunyi di untuk kehangatan.

Satu Vulcan , sebuah rakasa Makao adalah menundukkan, tiba-tiba muncul dan serangan Natsu sebelum penculikan Lucy karena menyukai wanita. The Vulcan membawanya ke gua nya mana parade sekitarnya sampai Horologium menghilang. Sebagai kemajuan Vulcan, Natsu menangkap dan tuntutan untuk tahu di mana Macao adalah. The Vulcan tampaknya tampak seolah-olah itu akan memberitahunya tapi malah mendorong dia ke tebing. Lucy, marah dengan ini, memanggil roh sesat Zodiac Taurus .

Lucy dan Natsu kembali dengan Macao
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Tapi sebagai semangat dan Vulcan sekitar untuk melawan, Natsu muncul kembali, yang telah diselamatkan oleh Happy, dan mengetuk keluar Taurus, pemikiran itu rakasa lain. Natsu kemudian perkelahian dan cepat mengalahkan Vulcan.

Banyak kejutan mereka, Vulcan sebenarnya Macao yang telah "diambil alih" oleh sihir Vulcan's. Setelah menabrak dinding, Macao jatuh melalui sebuah lubang di dinding dan diselamatkan dari jatuh menuruni gunung untuk berkat upaya gabungan Natsu, Happy, Lucy dan Taurus dihidupkan kembali. Macao sekarang kembali, mereka menemukan dia luka parah dan Natsu resort ke ekstrim dari salah satu pembakaran Makao's menutup luka yang membawa dia kembali ke kesadaran. Dia mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa ia diambil alih oleh 1 / 20 yang membuat Lucy merasa dia tidak cocok bagi mereka. Mereka kembali ke Magnolia, kota tempat Fairy Tail berada, membawa Macao untuk anaknya Romeo.
Daybreak busur Edit

Lucy vs Natsu dan Happy 01:00
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Seperti Lucy adalah penyusunan ke rumah baru, dia menemukan bahwa Natsu dan Happy telah tanpa malu-malu menyerbunya. Sementara dia serangan kemudian tegur dia, Happy mempertajam kukunya di dinding, mengganggu dirinya dari Natsu yang mengintip di tulisan-tulisannya. Dia menyelam bagi mereka, menjaga mereka dari Natsu, dan menuntut bahwa mereka meninggalkan yang Natsu menolak. Menyerah, ia menawarkan dua secangkir teh dan mengajarkan mereka tentang kunci Spirits Celestial dan kontrak ketika dia memanggil Plue. Plue tampaknya menunjukkan bahwa mereka harus membentuk tim yang Natsu setuju untuk dan sehingga pada gilirannya tidak Lucy. Misi pertama mereka untuk mencuri buku melibatkan pemiliknya menyewa seorang pelayan pirang yang membuat Lucy berpikir Natsu ditipu dia.

Ketika mereka tiba di kota Shirotsume, Natsu mengeluh kelaparan dan pergi ke restoran dengan Happy sementara Lucy membuat mereka untuk melihat-lihat kota. Dia kembali dalam kostum pelayan, mengejutkan mereka berdua karena mereka hanya dimaksudkan sebagai lelucon. Apapun, mereka pergi ke rumah klien untuk mendiskusikan misi dan tertegun untuk menemukan hadiah telah diajukan oleh sepuluh kali.

reaksi Lucy ketika dia disebut jelek oleh Duke Everlue
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Berapi-api, mereka menuju Duke Everlue rumah s 'di mana Lucy mencoba untuk dipekerjakan tetapi ditolak karena terlalu jelek. Daripada infiltrasi mereka sekarang resor invasi, datang melalui atap rumah besar. Mereka mencoba untuk menyelinap di sekitar untuk menemukan buku, tetapi dengan cepat ditemukan oleh pembantu Everlue's - yang langsung dikalahkan oleh Natsu.

Mereka akhirnya datang di perpustakaan dan setelah sedikit mencari menemukan buku mereka telah disewa untuk menghancurkan, fajar. Sama seperti Natsu adalah untuk menghancurkannya, Lucy potongan darinya berseru bahwa itu adalah buku yang ditulis oleh Kemu Zaeleon bahwa ia belum pernah lihat sebelumnya dan menolak untuk memungkinkan dia untuk membakar. Everlue muncul pada saat ini, menyelam naik dari lantai, dan setelah penilaian singkat jenius sendiri, panggilan yang Brothers Lenyap untuk berurusan dengan penyihir Fairy Tail.

Karena ini terjadi Lucy telah membaca buku dan sesuatu yang ditemukan dalam buku yang membuat buru-buru dia pergi dan meminta Natsu untuk membeli beberapa waktu. Dia entah bagaimana membuatnya ke dalam untuk saluran pembuangan rumah dan melalui penggunaan kacamata Angin-membaca menemukan rahasia dalam buku ini. Everlue penyergapan tiba-tiba dia, menyambar lengannya dan mengancam untuk istirahat mereka kecuali ia mengatakan kepadanya rahasia. Dia bilang apa-apa, namun dilepaskan ketika Happy pemogokan Everlue di wajah.

Lucy dan Kanker mengalahkan Duke Everlue
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Lucy dan Everlue memulai pertempuran mereka. Lucy mengungkapkan sifat egois Everlue saat dia menceritakan bagaimana dia telah memaksa Kemu Zaeleon untuk membuat buku tentang dia. Tidak hanya itu, buku tersebut berisi rahasia lebih lanjut yang membuktikan dia tidak pantas mendapatkannya. Dengan deklarasi ini, ia memanggil Roh Celestial Kanker . Everlue panggilan sendiri Celestial Roh, Virgo , sebagai tanggapan, tetapi Natsu sengaja datang dengan ketika ia meraih ke dia. Atas permintaan Lucy, ia menekan Virgo ke dalam tanah sementara dia dan Kanker mengalahkan Everlue.

Mereka kembali ke rumah Kirby; Lucy memberikan dia kembali buku itu. Dia awalnya ingin membakarnya, banyak Natsu kemarahan, dan menjelaskan masa lalunya dan mengapa ia ingin membuangnya. Namun, hanya karena ia akan membakarnya semburan buku ke dalam kehidupan - huruf mengatur ulang sendiri dengan buku judul sekarang menjadi DEAR KABY. Lucy menjelaskan bahwa Zaeleon menempatkan mantra di buku itu dan telah menulis kepada anaknya, Kaby. Banyak rasa heran, Natsu dan Happy kemudian mengatakan mereka tidak dapat menerima pahala karena mereka tidak secara khusus melakukan apa yang diminta. Sementara mereka kembali di rumah jalan, Natsu menyadari bahwa protektif sebelumnya Lucy atas tulisannya karena dia menulis buku sendiri. Malu, dia putus asa meminta dia untuk tidak memberitahu siapa pun.
Lullaby busur Edit

Lucy menghukum Happy
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Sekarang kembali di guild, Lucy mencari poster lain permintaan dan ketika berbicara dengan Mirajane belajar dari organisasi serikat dan keberadaan serikat pekerja ilegal, yang disebut Dark Guilds. Natsu takut saat dia berbicara kemudian melanjutkan untuk bergegas untuk menemukan pekerjaan baru bagi mereka saat ia dan Happy memilih waktu terakhir. Namun, dia tidak lagi ingin bekerja dengan dia. Gray menjelaskan bahwa ia harus merasa tidak perlu untuk bekerja sama dengan siapa pun, memuji di atas pekerjaannya yang dia menjelaskan itu semua Natsu. Sebagai Natsu dan Gray mulai perkelahian, Loke menggoda dengan dia tapi dengan cepat lari saat dia tahu dia adalah Roh Surgawi mage - ia kemudian kembali untuk memberitahukan Natsu dan Gray bahwa mage S-Class Erza Scarlet telah kembali.

Dia sesuai tiba dengan tanduk besar dari setan dia telah dibunuh dan setelah memarahi beberapa anggota berubah menjadi Gray dan Natsu, yang bertindak seperti Happy menurut Lucy, dan meminta mereka untuk membantunya. Meskipun mereka berdua menolak, dia tampaknya tidak mendengar mereka dan daun. Pembentukan tim ini digembar-gemborkan sebagai kemungkinan "Tim Terkuat" di Fairy Tail oleh Mirajane.

Lucy diminta oleh Mirajane untuk pergi bersama dengan kelompok untuk membuat Gray Natsu yakin dan dicegah masuk ke perkelahian - ia tidak dengan menipu mereka menjadi percaya Erza akan datang. Yang [7] Ketika dia akhirnya tiba, Lucy memperkenalkan dirinya dan Natsu Erza tantangan untuk berkelahi setelah misi yang dia menerima.

Mereka papan semua kereta mana, setelah mengalahkan Natsu untuk membebaskan dirinya dari mabuk nya, Erza menjelaskan tentang misi. Dia anggota mendengar dari sebuah serikat berbicara tentang sihir disegel disebut Lullaby dan nama Erigor . Pada saat itu dia tidak ingat nama, tapi dia kemudian ingat bahwa dia adalah seorang anggota Dark Guild Eisenwald. Orang-orang seperti akan sampai dengan tidak baik sehingga misi dia berencana adalah berjalan ke Eisenwald dan menghancurkan mereka.

Namun, karena mereka meninggalkan stasiun kereta dan terus menjelaskan hal ini, mereka sengaja meninggalkan Natsu di kereta. Mereka terburu-buru kembali ke stasiun kereta api di mana Erza mendapatkan Happy untuk menggunakan sinyal darurat berhenti tuas untuk menghentikan kereta dan ras ke arah itu pada kereta roda empat magis. Sama seperti mereka tiba di kereta, Natsu crash keluar dari salah satu jendela kereta api dan kepala lebih dulu tanah ke Gray.

Setelah sedikit amnesia nyaman, ia memberitahu bahwa ia diserang di kereta api oleh anggota guild Eisenwald yang memiliki suling aneh dengan tengkorak dengan tiga mata. Deskripsi ini jog memori Lucy dari sebuah cerita tentang terkutuk seruling "Lullaby" yang membunuh siapa saja yang mendengarnya. Wahyu ini mengejutkan di tangan mereka terburu-buru menuju stasiun kereta. Pada perjalanan ke sana, Happy menyebutkan bahwa ia bermaksud untuk mengatakan sesuatu Lucy tetapi telah dilupakan dan ketika mereka mencoba untuk memasuki stasiun Lucy membawa Natsu in - meskipun dia menyebabkan penyakit gerakan nya melakukan hal ini karena ia dianggap transportasi. [8]

Lucy panggilan Roh Celestial
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Di dalam, mereka dihadapkan oleh Eisenwald dan Erigor yang menjelaskan rencananya untuk menggunakan pengeras suara stasiun untuk menyiarkan Lullaby. Terganggu oleh Erigor, Gray dan Erza tidak memperhatikan salah satu dari anggota-anggota Eisenwald, Kageyama , Lucy menyerang, tetapi dia diselamatkan berkat Natsu. Erigor kemudian melarikan diri membuat pesanan Natsu Erza dan Gray mengejar dia sementara dia dan berhubungan Lucy dengan musuh lainnya. Menggunakan sihir, The Knight, Erza cepat kiriman semua musuh mereka tetapi satu lolos yang ia menyerukan kepada Lucy untuk memberikan mengejar ke. Lucy, bersama dengan Happy, melupakan dia dan akhirnya berkumpul kembali dengan yang lain di samping Kageyama ditikam. Kedua menemukan bahwa mereka telah terjebak dalam penghalang angin dilalui, yang telah ditipu oleh Erigor. Tepat pada saat ini, Happy tiba-tiba ingat apa yang dia telah lupa sebelumnya: untuk memberikan Lucy Duke Everlue 's kunci emas, Virgo seperti yang sudah bertanya. Menggunakan kekuatan menggali semua nya mereka melarikan diri melalui terowongan namun Natsu bergegas ke depan dengan Happy untuk mengalahkan Erigor.

Membawa sepanjang Kageyama terluka, Lucy, Erza dan perjalanan Gray di sepanjang rel dan menemukan bahwa Natsu telah mengalahkan Erigor. Tapi, melihat seruling dan kesempatan, tiba-tiba Kageyama istirahat untuk itu dengan seruling di tangan ke kota Clover untuk menyelesaikan misi asli mereka membunuh semua empu serikat. Namun tim ini tidak dibutuhkan sebagai berbicara semangat dari Makarov yakin Kageyama tidak menggunakan seruling. Mereka mulai untuk merayakan sebuah misi selesai tapi tiba-tiba suling mulai berbicara dan meletus menjadi bentuk setan. Hal ini dengan cepat dihancurkan oleh Erza, Gray dan Natsu, yang juga secara tidak sengaja menghancurkan balai pertemuan rutin guild, mengharuskan semua anggota Fairy Tail untuk membuat liburan cepat.
Pulau Galuna busur Edit

Lucy lagi tim dengan Natsu dan Happy untuk pergi pada misi S-kelas yang mereka telah mencuri dari lantai 2. Karena mereka akan membuat jalan mereka ke pulau mereka dihadapkan oleh Gray, yang diperintahkan untuk menghentikan mereka tetapi blindsided oleh Natsu dan dipaksa untuk bergabung.

Setelah mereka mendarat kecelakaan di pulau dikutuk, mereka bertemu penghuni Galuna dan belajar dari kutukan merugikan mereka yang rupanya berubah menjadi setan. Walikota kota juga meminta mereka untuk menghancurkan bulan berpikir itu akan membebaskan mereka dari kutukan. Lucy dan yang lainnya memutuskan untuk menyelidiki pulau dan mereka menghadapi dan mengalahkan tikus raksasa bernama Angelica yang mengarah ke sebuah kuil besar di mana mereka menemukan rakasa Deliora .

Lucy mencoba untuk menghentikan Sherry
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Setelah belajar tentang rencana untuk membebaskan Deliora dan menghancurkan kota, Lucy dan Happy pergi untuk mencoba dan menyimpannya. Lucy menyiapkan perangkap sederhana di depan pintu masuk ke desa tetapi Natsu jatuh dan setelah semua pekerjaan Lucy dimasukkan ke dalamnya, yang di balik insiden sampai akhirnya terbang di atas desa mempersiapkan untuk menjatuhkan racun. Natsu pengalihan racun dan Virgo menyimpan walikota dari dipukul tetapi desa ini hancur. Sebagai Sherry Blendi salah satu orang di balik skema ini terbang dengan dia mouse Angelica, meraih Lucy pada dan menggelitik mouse dan mereka mengakhiri semua sampai menerjang ke tanah.

Lucy beats Sherry
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Ketika mereka berdua pulih dari kejatuhan mereka mulai melawan melawan satu sama lain. Dengan sihir Sherry ia berubah Taurus terhadap dirinya, namun, Lucy akhirnya belajar bagaimana memaksa menutup pintu ke Celestial Plane. Akhir dari gambar pertempuran dekat, dia menyadari bahwa dia dekat Aquarius laut dan panggilan karena dia akan menyerang baik teman dan musuh.
Setelah serangan Aquarius, baik penyihir yang tertegun dan pusing. Lucy mengambil kesempatan untuk mengalahkan Sherry. Sayangnya, Sherry
Lucy tertangkap dan diikat oleh Erza
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perintah tikus hewan peliharaan,
Lucy tertangkap dan diikat oleh Erza
Ditambahkan oleh Ishthak Angelica untuk pembalas sebelum
pingsan. Lucy akan segera squished oleh Angelica tetapi untungnya Erza muncul untuk menyelamatkan / menangkap dia. Dengan meyakinkan sedikit dari Gray, Erza memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan misi juga.

Setelah Bastia Lyon dikalahkan dan Deliora mati, mereka kepala ke arah kamp diatur untuk penduduk desa tapi tidak ada yang ada. Ternyata desa kembali ke normal seperti jika seseorang terbalik waktu. Dengan walikota masih bersikeras menghancurkan bulan, Erza menemukan kebenaran tentang pulau dan dia dan menghancurkan Natsu bulan dan mengangkat kutukan dari Galuna Island. Pada kenyataannya pembuangan asap dari Drip Bulan mengkristal dan menciptakan lapisan di langit yang meliputi seluruh pulau, dan apa yang mereka hanya menghancurkan bukan bulan tetapi lapisan mengkristal.

Tanpa lapisan dalam segala langit akan kembali kembali normal lagi, dan orang-orang desa diturunkan telah setan untuk memulai. Namun berkat Drip Bulan, mereka kehilangan ingatan mereka dan lupa bahwa mereka setan dan mengira mereka manusia sebagai gantinya. Seperti pertama mereka S-Class Misi akhirnya berakhir, Erza memutuskan untuk menolak hadiah tetapi hanya mengambil Kunci Emas untuk Lucy yang ternyata menjadi Sagitarius.
Tuhan Phantom busur Edit

Lucy tertangkap oleh penjara air Juvia's
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Membuat jalan mereka kembali dari Pulau Galuna, Lucy dan yang lainnya menemukan bahwa guild mereka telah rusak oleh Tuhan Phantom Guild . Setelah menerima hukuman mereka dari master (Lucy mendapatkan memukul di pantat, master itu tampak pervy di wajahnya), geng memutuskan untuk kecelakaan di apartemen Lucy banyak rasa heran.

Kemudian mereka semua menyaksikan ke Levy McGarden , Jet , dan Droy yang disalibkan dari pohon dan menyatakan perang master. Dengan off lain berjuang Phantom, Lucy tetap berada di belakang untuk menjaga teman-teman terluka itu.

Lucy trik dan tendangan Jose master
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Seperti Lucy berjalan kembali dari kunjungannya dengan pasokan grosir ketika dia disambut oleh Juvia Loxar dan Sol dari Elemen 4 . Dia berusaha untuk memerangi mereka setelah mengetahui bahwa mereka berhubungan dengan Gajeel, yang mengarah untuk menangkap dia (dan dia tetes kunci nya). Lucy kemudian terlihat digunakan sebagai umpan untuk membantu kekuatan gaib segel Guru Makarov's. Lucy terbangun di markas Phantom dan belajar dari Tuhan master's guild Phantom, Jose Porla , bahwa ayahnya telah menyuruh mereka untuk mengambil putrinya.

Lucy membuat melarikan diri dengan berpura-pura untuk menggunakan kamar mandi dan menendang Jose di wilayah pribadinya. Dia membuat jalan ke pintu keluar untuk menemukan bahwa dia tinggi, tapi dia melompat ke bawah pula, tahu Natsu akan ada di sana untuk menangkapnya. Setelah ia menangkap dia mereka kembali ke Fairy Tail.

Lucy setelah ditangkap dan dipukuli oleh Gajeel
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Kembali ke Guild, Lucy merasa seperti itu adalah kesalahan dia menjelaskan situasi dan teman-temannya mencoba untuk menghiburnya. Seperti perang dengan Phantom lanjutan Mirajane merasa lebih baik untuk menyembunyikan Lucy untuk melindungi sehingga dia menaruh Lucy untuk tidur dan menyamar sebagai Lucy dengan sihir transformasi dan memiliki Reedus melindungi yang asli.

Namun berkat Gajeel Redfox 's hidung tajam ia menemukan Lucy nyata dan kuat membawanya ke markas Phantom. Setelah masih dipukuli dan disiksa oleh Gajeel, Natsu dan menunjukkan Happy sampai menyelamatkannya. Sebagai pertempuran Natsu dan Gajeel's berlangsung, Lucy menyadari Natsu ada di ambang dikalahkan ia menyerukan kepada satu-satunya kunci dia memiliki sisa (yang dia dapatkan dari Galuna Island) Sagitarius. Sagitarius tunas panah di mesin menyebabkan kebakaran bagi Natsu makan sehingga ia dapat mengisi kekuatannya cukup untuk mengalahkan Gajeel.

Lucy menyelesaikan
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Setelah Tuhan mengalahkan Phantom dan sedikit dorongan dari kawan-kawan terluka itu (juga sedang diselenggarakan dan dirilis oleh Magic Dewan Ksatria), Lucy berangkat sendirian menuju manor Heartfilia, setelah melarikan diri dari rumah selama lebih dari setahun, untuk bertemu dengan ayahnya. Ketika Lucy tiba di istana dia disambut oleh pelayan tuanya. Mereka gaun di gaun mewah dan menunggu di luar sebagai Lucy pergi ke kantor ayahnya. Lucy memasuki dan ayahnya menjelaskan bahwa alasan dia mengirim Phantom untuk mendapatkan wanita itu karena suaminya telah ditetapkan oleh-Nya. Lucy mengatakan untuk tidak salah paham bahwa dia datang kembali untuk memutuskan hubungan dengan dia, untuk memastikan ia tidak pernah mengancam atau mendekati Fairy Tail lagi. Dia kemudian dilihat mengunjungi makam ibunya sebagai orang lain datang untuk membawanya pulang ke Fairy Tail. Dia menjelaskan betapa kaya keluarganya kepada teman-teman tertegun padanya.
Loke busur Edit

Loke pelukan Lucy
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Setelah menyelesaikan misi awal dari yang diharapkan geng memutuskan untuk tinggal satu malam ekstra di penginapan sebelum berangkat. Dengan yang lain terlibat dalam perang bantal intens, Lucy pergi berjalan-jalan dan bertemu dengan dua penyihir jahat. Para penyihir nakal telah menempatkan mantra pada dirinya dan akan memiliki cara mereka sampai Loke muncul dan menyelamatkan dia dari mereka.

Sebagai tanda terima kasih untuk menemukan kunci-nya lebih awal dan untuk menyelamatkan dirinya, mereka pergi ke bar lokal. Di sana dia mencoba untuk mencari tahu mengapa dia tidak suka penyihir Celestial Roh, tetapi ia tidak berbicara. Ketika ia mengucapkan terima kasih lagi dan siap untuk pergi, ia meraih Lucy dan berkata dia tidak punya banyak waktu tersisa. Tidak ingin membuatnya terlibat ia melewati ini off sebagai lelucon yang ia terima tamparan untuk.

Kemudian di guild, masih marah, Lucy mengetahui bahwa Loke telah putus dengan semua pacar-nya. Dia pergi ke Kakek-Crux, seorang ahli Surgawi Roh Magic untuk bertanya tentang sejarah Loke dengan seorang penyihir roh bintang. Kakek-Crux Lucy menceritakan tentang kisah Loke dan mantan pendamping, Karen Lilica , seorang penyihir dari Persekutuan Blue Pegasus yang meninggal selama misi beberapa tahun yang lalu. Setelah mendengar cerita pendek Loke dan Karen dari Kakek-Crux, dia ingat apa Loke mengatakan tentang "waktu yang tersisa di dunia ini". Sementara berpikir tentang apa yang dia katakan, Gray pergi untuk mengatakan kepadanya bahwa Loke meninggalkan serikat. Sedangkan sisanya kelompok mencari Loke, Lucy sekarang menyadari kebenaran tentang Loke pergi ke kuburan Karen dan menemukan dia di sana. Di sana, terungkap bahwa Loke adalah Roh Celestial Leo dan bahwa Karen summoner nya. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia membunuh Karen dan sebagai hukuman, dia diasingkan di dunia manusia.

Lucy berdiri dengan Spirits nya Celestial
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Kemudian, Loke kemudian mengatakan kepada seluruh cerita dia dan Karen. Setelah dia menceritakan cerita Lucy, Lucy mengatakan bahwa itu bukan kesalahannya dan bahwa ia akan menyelamatkannya. Ketika dia mengatakan bahwa jika karena itu ia harus mati dia akan mengubah aturan. Mendengar ini, Raja Surgawi Spirits muncul dari dunia lain dan mengatakan bahwa adalah aturan yang dia tidak bisa berubah dan yang Loke secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab atas kematian summoners nya. Lucy tidak membiarkan hal itu terjadi. Dia mencoba meyakinkan Raja tidak membunuh dia dan dia juga memanggil Spirits Surgawi yang lain untuk membantunya. Melihat bahwa Lucy akan pergi sejauh itu untuk seorang teman yang Celestial Roh Raja memutuskan bahwa Loke akan selamat nasibnya. Setelah Raja yakin tidak mengakhiri hidupnya dan Loke bersyukur, ia memperoleh kunci untuk memanggil Roh Celestial Leo.
Menara Surga busur Edit

Lucy vs Taka Vidaldus dan Juvia
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Loke memungkinkan Lucy mengambil teman-temannya ke sebuah resor. Setelah Erza mendapat diculik oleh teman-teman lama, Lucy dan geng (bersama dengan Juvia) pergi ke Menara Surga (dengan bantuan manusia super's Natsu rasa penciuman) untuk mengikuti dan menyimpan Erza dari tangan Jellal Fernandes dan perusahaan. Bersama dengan Juvia, mereka menemui "Hawk" Vidaldus Taka , salah satu top Jellal tiga pejuang dan anggota pembunuhan Death's Head Kaukus Guild tim Trinity Raven . Ketika mereka melawan Taka menggunakan nya Batu Succubus untuk mengubah
Lucy dan Juvia menjadi teman
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Juvia menjadi budaknya. Seperti
Lucy dan Juvia menjadi teman
Ditambahkan oleh Ishthak Juvia
perkelahian Lucy, ia mendengar Juvia sesungguhnya dan kemudian Lucy menggunakan Aquarius melalui Juvia. Entah bagaimana bersama-sama mereka bergandengan tangan sebagai serangan Aquarius dan mereka melakukan Unison Raid untuk mengalahkan Taka untuk selamanya.

Setelah ini, Simon meminta Gray untuk memimpin semua orang dari Tower dan ia melihat dari jauh bagaimana Natsu kekalahan Jellal dan menghancurkan menara. Sebagai teman Erza kita tinggalkan untuk mencoba untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang "dunia luar" sebelum benar-benar mencoba untuk menjalani hidup baru, Lucy melihat mereka dengan yang lain dengan membuat beberapa kembang api dengan sihir bintang nya.
Fighting busur Festival Edit

Lucy mencoba untuk menyuap Happy
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Ketika mereka kembali ke guild mereka menemukan rekonstruksi lengkap dan Kana Alberona menunjukkan mereka di sekitar. Makarov mengejutkan mereka dengan memperkenalkan dua anggota baru: Juvia dan Gajeel, musuh-musuh mereka sebelumnya. Setelah menetap, mereka duduk untuk lagu aa dari Mirajane; keadaan tenang tidak berlangsung lama karena kedua Dragon Slayers segera menyebabkan perkelahian besar. Meskipun Lucy mengandaikan untuk menjadi sponsor dalam wawancara di majalah mingguan penyihir Fairy Tail, reporter cukup banyak mengabaikan Lucy sepanjang sepanjang waktu karena ia terus berjalan sekitar dalam kegembiraan mengajukan pertanyaan yang berbeda anggota serikat. Tidak menyerah, Lucy memutuskan untuk berpakaian seperti seorang gadis kelinci dan pergi ke panggung, berharap untuk mendapatkan perhatian hanya untuk gagal sebagai Gajeel muncul di sampingnya, kejutan semua orang dengan kinerja bernyanyi. Dia bahkan mengancam Lucy dengan tatapan memaksanya menari sambil bernyanyi.

Beberapa hari kemudian, Lucy putus asa mencari pekerjaan untuk membayar sewa dan dia meminta Natsu dan Happy untuk membantunya. Banyak rasa heran, Natsu merasa terlalu sakit dan pulang untuk beristirahat dan menghasilkan Lucy meraih syal dan ia jatuh ke tanah. Akuilah dalam kekalahan, Lucy pulang.

Dalam perjalanan pulang, dia menyadari dia masih memiliki syal Natsu dan ingin mencuci untuknya. Setelah dia pulang dan selesai dia bekerja, dia memutuskan untuk pergi tidur, hanya untuk mendapat ketakutan besar ketika dia menemukan Natsu dan Happy tidur di tempat tidurnya. Happy menjelaskan bahwa perasaan itu sakit-sakitan Natsu telah terjadi sebelum setelah ia makan Laxus Dreyar petir s '. Dia melanjutkan dengan menjelaskan tentang anggota terkuat di guild tersebut, mungkin terkuat yang Gildarts , dan kemudian memberikan Lucy selebaran tentang Harvest Magnolia dan Miss Fairy Tail kompetisi yang sedang berjalan di samping itu yang akan menyelesaikan semua masalah uangnya.

Lucy siap berperang berdampingan dengan Loke
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Selama kontes, Lucy dan wanita-wanita lain (termasuk Erza) yang berubah menjadi batu oleh Evergreen , salah satu Raijinshuu (pengawal dari Laxus Dreyar ) Kemudian dia de-membatu bersama dengan yang lain, berkat Erza, dan dia mampu mengambil bagian dalam pertempuran mereka dan pergi ke luar penghalang yang Goreng Justine dibuat.

Loke menyimpan Lucy
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Dia ditemui Bixlow (anggota Raijinshuu lain yang mengalahkan Gray) dan diserang oleh's wayang Bixlow, dan kehilangan kunci dia terima kasih untuk itu. Mereka akan menyelesaikan liburnya dengan Formasi baryon ketika Loke memanggil dirinya untuk menyelamatkan dirinya dan untuk memenuhi janjinya.

Lucy menghancurkan Lacrima
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Dengan persatuan mereka, mereka mampu mengalahkan Bixlow. Mereka cepat menang dalam pertempuran, tapi Bixlow mengungkapkan kemampuan kedua, Eyes Gambar yang Bixlow menggunakan mengubah lawan-lawannya menjadi boneka dan mengendalikan mereka. Tidak dapat menggunakan mata mereka untuk melawan, mereka menjadi berdaya dan cepat diserang oleh boneka Bixlow's. Tetapi pada akhirnya, melalui persatuan mereka dan kepercayaan, mereka berhasil mengalahkan Bixlow, yang terkejut Gajeel karena ia tidak melihat dia sebagai seorang penyihir yang sangat kuat.

Lucy dengan Levy dan Bisca pada Fanatsia Parade
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After the battle, Lucy collapses from exhaustion and Loke returns her keys to her stating that he will always be there for her, and he also jokingly remarks that it was the power of their love. Near the end of the arc though Warren 's spells to inform the recovering Fairy Tail members of what's happening, Lucy and the rest of Fairy Tail destroy Laxus's Hall of Thunder spell and save the town.

During the Fantasia parade, Lucy preforms on a floats together with Cana Alberona , Levi, and Bisca.
Oración Seis busur Edit

Lucy was one of the members chosen along with Natsu, Gray and Erza to represent Fairy Tail for the upcoming battle against the one of the strongest dark guild, Oración Seis .

They went to Master Bob's (Blue Pegasus Guild Master) villa to meet the other members of the alliance (an alliance formed by four legal guilds: Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale Guild and Cait Shelter Guild ). Oración Seis knew of this, and formed a counter attack wiping out the alliance members.

"You liiiiike her!"
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As the other members go out to counter attack/rescue Wendy Marvell who was captured, Lucy decided to stay with Erza who has been bitten by Cuberos , Cobra 's snake. Hibiki Laytis , who stayed with her, revealed to her that she had gain a fierce reputation in the mage community due to others actions around her. However, she was quick to tell him that all the things done wasn't done by her but she knew the damage had already been done.

When Natsu returns after retrieving Wendy and her healing Erza, they see a strange black light in the distance. Natsu races toward the light thinking Gérard is there. After contemplating what he meant the rest of the party realizes that Erza is gone and head toward the black pillar of light with Hibiki explaining to Lucy what Nirvana actually does.

As they make their way towards the light they encounter "Gray" standing above Natsu about to deliver a finishing blow. Thinking Gray has yielded to the darkness Lucy summons Sagittarius and he fires an arrow to save Natsu. "Gray" then proceeds to freeze Happy and shoots a blast at Lucy (who is saved by Hibiki). They realize that this isn't Gray who then turns into Lucy and flashes everyone. "Lucy" then makes Sagittarius shoot

Lucy beaten by... Lucy?!
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Hibiki in the back, with everyone confused the real Lucy tells Charle to take Wendy and run, then forces Sagittarius's gate closed. The other "Lucy" then summons Sagittarius and orders him to shoot Charle down. Soon after Angel appears saying its not necessary and the other "Lucy" turns out to be the twins Gemi and Mini, the Celestial Spirits Gemini .

Lucy determines that she has to take on Angel herself summons Aquarius in the nearby river. Angel also being a Celestial Spirit mage opens the gate of the Scorpion Scorpio (Aquarius's boyfriend). Taking advantage of the watching Lucy, Angel attacks her saying that Lucy has no hope of defeating her if she doesn't know the relationships between Celestial Spirits, and proceeds to knock Lucy into the river. Desperate, Lucy then summons her trump card Loke. Angel, unperturbed, summons Loke's friend Aries .

Lucy cries for Loke and Aries
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Lucy now seems distraught saying that even Loke won't be able to fight. Seeing Aries, Lucy asks where Angel got Karen's Spirits, and Angel replies saying that she killed her and took them. Not wanting the two friends to fight she tries to close Loke's door, but he refuses because its his duty to serve his master. Lucy then witnesses Angel summoning Caelum and shooting both Leo and Aries through the stomach. With Loke apologizing, both spirits fade away. Lucy being upset, calls Angel the scum of Celestial Spirit mages and summons Taurus only to have him defeated by Gemini.

Hibiki transferring "Uranometria" into Lucy's mind
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Lucy then demands that Angel release Aries from her contract, because she didn't have a good life with her previous owner either and so she and Leo can be together. Lucy adds on by saying that she'll do anything but give up her keys, Angel decides that her life would be payment and Gemini continues to attack.

However, before administrating the final blow, Gemini looks back at how long and how much Lucy loves Celestial Spirits and can not kill her. Angel recalls him and is about to use Caelum again when Hibiki grabs hold of Lucy's neck. This shocks both Angel and Lucy thinking he turned to the darkness.

Lucy defeats Angel with Uranometria
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Instead, Hibiki uses his archive to give Lucy this new magic, which he calls a "super" magic. With this, celestial bodies appear around Lucy and she uses Uranometria to defeat Angel. After using the spell, Lucy doesn't seem to remember what happened.

Angel then gets back up saying she would not be defeated, and that Oración Seis never lose. Angel fires Caelum but the energy beam somehow veers around Lucy but hits the stump holding the raft Natsu is on. As Angel falls again into the water, Lucy tries to save Natsu from going down the river but is now on the same raft heading towards a waterfall and fall over.

They both later wake up to realize that Virgo has been treating her wounds from the fight with Angel and has changed both herself and Natsu's clothes. Suddenly, Sherry who has fallen to the darkness, shows up and are about to attack the both of them when Gray appears and subdues Sherry from attacking them. Lyon also shows up and is also shown to be alive and well. Relieved to see that Lyon was alive, Sherry is released from the dark and returns back to normal. After witnessing Nirvana's second stage, Lucy, Gray, and Natsu decided to climb up one of its legs to reach the towers on top.

When Lucy and Gray finally arrive in the capital of Nirvana they meet up with Jura and Hoteye, who explains that long ago that Nirvana was created by the race called the Nirvit for the purpose of peace (being ironic how its now being used for evil).

While explaining that Brain is controlling Nirvana, Midnight shows up to kill them, showing his incredible abilities by slicing a building in half. Hoteye gives them a chance to escape saying that he will defeat Midnight. Eventually Lucy, Gray and Jura catch up to Brain, who is dragging Natsu away. Brain reveals he plans to turn Natsu into a member of the Oracion Seis and that his first target with Nirvana is Cait Shelter, when Natsu unexpectedly bites Brain's hand releasing himself. Lucy and Gray plan to attack Brain but Jura interferes and attacks Brain unmercifully with his rock magic demanding to know why he is attacking Wendy's guild, surprising everybody.

Team Natsu is ready to fight again
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After Brain's defeat, Lucy and everyone decide that they should get to the top of the capital to see if there's away to shut down Nirvana. Arriving at the top they see that there are no controls to shut it down. Wendy runs off thinking of a way to shut it down, that's when Hoteye telepathically tells the rest of them that he was defeated by Midnight, saying that Midnight is located at the bottom of the capital.

Gemini helps Lucy to destroy the third lacrima
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As they run, Natsu rushes to open a door in front of them, and while Natsu was opening the door, Jura Nekis realized that its was trap and shielded Lucy, Gray and Natsu with his Earth Magic from a giant explosion that appeared. While treating Jura, Lucy and the others are surprised to find Brain's staff, Klodoa , talking to them revealing that he is the seventh of the six, the staff is then comically smacked around by Natsu. Levitating in the air, the staff reveals that Cait Shelter is made up of descendants of the Nirvit thus they are the only ones able to seal Nirvana, therefore they must be eliminated.

Suddenly Klodoa starts to attack Natsu and Gray even managing to sneak a peek at Lucy's panties before attacking her. Klodoa then senses that all of the six have been defeated, he goes in to a panic and reveals that when all the six have been defeated Brain's other, more savage personality, Zero emerges. Zero then arrives and savagely beats Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy to a pulp, saying that they are not defeated until he is unable to see a body.

Lucy destroys a lacrima
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As Zero's plan is slightly halted by the rest of the Light Team, Sherry's words force Lucy to stand up again so she can destroy one of the Lachryma crystals. However, she is drastically low on magic and cannot attack the crystal until Gemini comes to Lucy's aid. With Angel's arrest, Lucy inherits the three Gold Keys that were contracted to Angel: Gemini, Scorpio and Aries, who sought Lucy to be their new owner, since Angel's arrest renders her contracts with the three void.
Edolas busur Edit

With the Oración Seis defeated, Lucy then heads back to Fairy Tail with her companions and Wendy. She is as equally shocked as Wendy when a loud bell in Magnolia chimes, and it is revealed that Gildarts has returned. Lucy tells Wendy a little bit about him, saying that Gildarts is supposedly the most powerful mage in Fairy Tail and that she had never seen him before.

As Mystogan reveals the truth about Anima to both Wendy and Charle, she is seen at the guild wondering when the rain would stop and wishing that something interesting would happen. After Natsu and Wendy travels to the other world Edolas with Happy and Charle, the Edolas version of Lucy catches the four of them peeking into the guild.

Upon closer inspection, she then mistakes the Earth Land Natsu for the Edolas Natsu, and proceeds to hug him and then bully him. However, this is short-lived as someone runs into the guild screaming about "Fairy Hunters". Lucy is then seen taking control of the situation, telling Levi to hurry up with the transport field. After they narrowly escape the Hunters, Lucy then proceeds to argue with Levi about how she could have gotten them all killed.

As Natsu and his team hide out, a soldier yells "It's Fairy Tail!" and they tense up for the Army to storm in, but nothing happens. When they peek outside, they see Earth Land Lucy struggling against the guards. Before Natsu could try to help her, she summons Scorpio and blasts all of the soldiers way. When they reunite, Lucy is overjoyed at seeing them again, but shocked when she sees her Edolas version. She tells Natsu to take care of the rest of the soldiers, but Natsu tells her that she's the only one who can use magic, leading her to believe that she has become the strongest Fairy Tail mage. She then summons Aries and they all escape to the forest.

Lucy menjelaskan bagaimana dia luka di Edolas. Dia diselamatkan oleh Horologium yang merasa bahwa ruang itu memutar dan menyembunyikannya di tempat lain untuk sementara waktu. When she was alone in the middle of no where, Mystogan came and explained everything to her and sent her to Edolas. The Edolas Lucy comments on how they're still going to fight against the kingdom even though they can't control their magic properly (Earth Land Lucy protests that she can use hers). Lucy proclaims, as Fairy Tail's (current) strongest mage that she'll be the one to solve everything, to which Natsu, Charle, and Happy say they have no choice and Wendy cheering her on.

Lucy and ...Lucy?!
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Arriving at the town of Sikka, the team decides to stay for the night. Just as Edolas Lucy about to reveal her body to Natsu while commenting that she and her Earth Land counterpart has the same figure, Lucy immediately covered her counterpart up while retaliating that she does mind that.

Natsu, who then begins to laugh, caused Lucy to ask why, and comment that it must be trying to hide the comment of how Edolas Lucy has a better figure or something, but his response of taking a bath with herself stunned both Lucy's. Her counterpart then asked Lucy to summon the celestial spirit that can cut hair, and watched her counterpart change to a shorter hairstyle. The next day, Lucy was furious with Edolas Lucy leaving a note saying that she's going back to her guild. But that attitude quickly changed when she found a book that narrates the history of Edolas. While reading, she and Natsu noticed that an airship just landed. Listening to Natsu's idea of stealing the airship, Lucy decides to battle the Royal Army with Loke. However, Virgo came out in place of him, which Lucy learned that Loke was on a date and cannot be summoned right now.

Nearly captured by the Royal Army, a man with a vehicle came and saved Lucy and Co. and took them out of the city. As they ride on the vehicle, the man introduced himself as Natsu the Fireball to them. When they witness their guild trapped in Lachryma, she tearfully holds Natsu back despite knowing how painful it is. Later, she and Charle make up a plan to know how they should turn back the guild to normal. Lucy plans on using Gemini to transform into Faust and read his mind. After being captured by Edolas Erza, she is put in a different cell to Wendy and Natsu and will be executed.

Erza Knightwalker tries to kill Lucy
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Later, Edolas Erza arrives at Lucy's cell to execute her. Lucy kemudian mencoba untuk membujuknya bahwa di Bumi Tanah, ia adalah anggota Fairy Tail, dan adalah orang, baik bertanggung jawab kepada siapa semua orang bisa diandalkan. Namun, Erza tidak peduli, dan memberitahu Lucy tidak bingung-anaknya mitra Tanah Bumi.

Erza kemudian suspends Lucy di atas balkon, dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia beruntung, karena ia suka melihat penderitaan orang lain, dan itulah sebabnya dia berjudul Fairy Hunter, karena ia telah membunuh puluhan anggota Fairy Tail. Dia kemudian sinis Lucy mengatakan bahwa dia akan melihat, sebelum melemparkan dia dari balkon.

Untungnya, Lucy diselamatkan oleh Charle dan Happy di saat terakhir. Charle tries to exploit Erza lack of information and presents herself as Extalia's princess and a daughter of Queen Shagotte. She then tricks Erza into revealing the location of Natsu and Wendy, then tries to get her releasing Wendy and Natsu, which almost succeeds.

Unfortunately, the rest of the royal guard arrives, and Pantherlily informs Erza that Charle and Happy are the "fallen" (traitors). All three attempts to escape. Charle asks Lucy, if she's angry at them. Lucy is very surprised by this question and she really doesn't know for what she should be angry for. Charle held that, it is they fault that she got caught in the first place. Lucy replied that, they had came to save her, and then she adds that she is more surprised by the fact that Charle is a princess.

They then try to reach the west tower, where Wendy and Natsu are both trapped. Unfortunately, Extalia troops face them in the air, and Magic Militia is already waiting there for them on the ground, leaving them trapped. However, in a lucky twist of fate, Faust decides that now is a perfect time to invoke code ETD, which transforms the Extalia troops into a giant cat lachryma.

As the Magic Militia is distracted, the cats and Lucy make their way to the basement of the West Tower, where they are ambushed by Edolas Erza and soldiers once again. Just as Edolas Erza is about to execute Happy, the soldiers behind her are suddenly blown away, and Lucy starts crying tears of joy, as both Earthland Erza and Gray appear, having joined the fray.

She later learns that the reason Gray and Erza escaped was due to Gajeel's dragon slayer magic. She also learns that the reason she could use her magic in Edolas was because Mystogan fed her X-Balls , a medicine that allows the earthland mages to use magic in Edolas. Later, she runs around in the castle with Gray and Natsu trying to locate the king. During that time, Lucy comments on how confusing the layout of the castle is, and that she wouldn't be surprised if there was even an amusement park in the castle. True to her prediction, the group actually encounters an amusement park, along with Hughes and Sugarboy. Lucy then prepares to battle the 2 captains along with Gray and Natsu.

Hughes then show off his weapon, "Command Tact" to attack Natsu with a roller coaster from behind. Lucy shouts at him before falling into Sugar Boy's trap, which makes both Gray and her sink into the ground. After being thrown into the air by Gray, she attempts to free Natsu from the hell roller coaster but fails, as Hughes eventually makes them fall into a body of water. She then sweat-drops as Hughes laughs at a candid shot of them on the coaster.

The presence of water makes Lucy realize that she can summon Aquarius, and she does so. However, the situation turns grim, as Aquarius cannot control the water because Hughes is controlling it. Lucy looks on in shock before being engulfed with the water attack by Hughes. His attack flushes Lucy into a clothes-changing device. Natsu then hatches a plan for Lucy to seduce Hughes with sexy clothing, but fails when Hughes attacks them using monsters located in the attraction anyway. Later, Lucy runs away from the horde of monsters, only to bump into Coco , who has Byro chasing after her. Byro then asks Coco to hand the key used for controlling the dragon chain to him, but Lucy mistakes it as Byro asking for her keys. She then prepares to battle Byro and defend Coco.

Lucy and Natsu beats Byro and Hughes
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She summons Taurus, but he is quickly defeated by Byro's Flame Liquid. She then summons Virgo who lands a hit, causing him to fall into the hole she made. This backfires as Byro consumes his Octopus Liquid, turning him into a giant octopus-human hybrid, and captures Coco. Virgo states that she can't do anything and Lucy is forced to run around. She receives the extending whip Fleuve des Etoiles of the Eridanus Constellation from the Stellar Spirit World in order to conserve her magic power.

Virgo's concern sets Lucy's spirits and drives her to fight for Coco. Byro keeps hurting Coco, causing Lucy to state that protecting your friends is the most important thing. Using the Fleuve des Etoiles, she manages to tie up Byro's legs and makes him hit the Monster Academy, subsequently being caught in the fire of Natsu's punch into Hughes and thus is defeated.

Before Coco could hand them the key, Sugarboy slides by and takes it, then being chased by Gray on a motorcycle. Lucy and Natsu chase after them. Sugarboy softens the floor making Lucy get stuck under Byro's tentacles with Coco. After the cannon is fired, Lucy reappears with Coco on her Legion . Erza, Natsu, and Gray hop on and they head for the Lacrima Island. Helping Natsu and the others Lucy was able to buy enough time for Mystogan to send Fairy Tail back to their world. She became really surprised when she found out that Mystogan was the prince of Edolas.

While helping the Exceeds to escape the Royal Army, she, along with Erza Scarlet, Gray, and Coco, were ambushed by Erza Knightwalker and her force. The two Erza's fight each other, and the rest of them fought against the rest of the army. Even with Loke's help, the sheer number of the Royal Army nearly defeated them until the Edolas Fairy Tail Guild even the odd. She was helped by her Edolas counterpart, and watched the rest of the battle. Magic, however, was taken away from Edolas at a crucial time. Although the Royal Army ran away, she saw the whole guild was in a state of panic. Lucy tried to calm them, but only to be yelled by her counterpart for not realizing that a magic guild cannot exist without magic.

Lucy was later seen with Gray and the others as the Anima began to suck up the Exceeds and Earth Mages, commenting on the fact that since the Anima was sucking magical power out of Edolas, it was kicking them out as well. Lucy then says goodbye to the Edolas Fairy Tail, and travels back to Earth Land with the others.

After arriving back with the others, Lucy is relieved to see that Magnolia is in tact, however is surprised when the Exceed show up. After listening to the 6 year plan, and bidding the Exceed farewell, just as everyone is about to head back to Fairy Tail, they are surprised to see a chibi Pantherlily. When Pantherlily reveals that he has caught someone suspicious, Lucy is seen with the others looking shocked at the revelation that Lisanna's Edolas counterpart is also in Earth Land. She is later seen wondering what's going on when Lisanna admits that she is the Earthland counterpart, and then along with the others, she helps Lisanna return to her siblings.
S-Class Trial arc Edit

Lucy punched by a Sleeping Natsu.
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As the guild celebrates the arrival of Lisanna, Lucy is surprised to see that Evergreen and Juvia have changed their appearance. Moments later she witnesses how the guild starts another ruckus, telling Juvia not to strip just to impress Gray. After the guild's little skirmish is over, she wakes up to find everybody still asleep. Her eyes then fall upon Mirajane, Lisanna, and Elfman with their arms around each other. While looking at them, she comments on how happy she is for them to be able to see each other again. Looking around once again, she sees Natsu. Once she sees him, she bends down and stares at his face wondering if he has ever felt lonely due to him being unable to see Igneel. Lucy then comments about how cute Natsu can be while he is asleep.

After a few seconds she is punched in the face by Natsu and goes flying through the guild roof and into the river by her house. Days later she showers by herself and gets a shock when she discovers that Cana is showering with her, Cana then talks a bit with Lucy, commenting that she wants to leave Fairy Tail. In the guild, Lucy goes and tells Mirajane what Cana intends to do, Mirajane then comments that it happens every year as Lucy wonders why nearly all the guild members want to take so many jobs. The day after, Lucy witness the announcement of the S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial and is very surprised that there was such an event. The chapter also suggests that she may play some major role in the future.

Later, after she was going home she met Cana lying in a snow. She took her home and Cana told her why she must become a S-Class mage, so Lucy decided that she would become her partner. As the participants head towards the island, Lucy is complaining about the blistering heat and complains that she will melt. Tak lama setelah menguasai tiba untuk menjelaskan aturan sidang pertama. When the first trial started Cana and Lucy hit a delay because Fried used a rune on the boat, which prevents everyone from leaving for 5 min. As soon as the rune was released, Lucy realized that she and Cana are way behind and arrive on the island last. Tak lama setelah menyadari bahwa jalan semua tapi 1 yang tersisa, Lucy mencoba untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan Kana dengan mengatakan keberuntungan biasanya terjadi dalam situasi seperti ini.

Victory Team Cana!
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But as soon as they enter, they realize that they are in a battle path, and the opponent they have to beat if they want to continue is Fried and Bixlow. Lucy now has to face against Bixlow again, but this time she may have a major disadvantage since she can't call Loki during the trial. Fried tells them he will be the one to take Laxus's place as an S-class mage and suggests Lucy and Cana both put some clothes on, saying that it's too distracting.

Cana, realizing his weakness is women, takes advantage of this by playing the Sexy Lady card which surrounds Fried in sexy women and takes him out of commission for the fight. Lucy then summons Virgo (wearing undergarments only) to add more women to the mix, but Virgo is easily taken out by Bixlow's dolls. His dolls continue to attack, and Cana makes an attempt to hit the dolls using the Prayer's Fountain card. The water fails to hit the dolls, but seeing water, Lucy moves towards it and summons Aquarius. Lucy then advises Cana to hold onto something as Aquarius attacks and defeats Fried and Bixlow. Cana and Aquarius then have an argument where Lucy notes how similar they are.

Seeing that Fried and Bixlow are down, the path opens and they go forward to the next part of the trial. Fried and Bixlow then talk about how they let them win; Fried feels he owes them (from the Fighting Festival). They note how lucky Lucy and Cana are for running into them in the trial.

Just What Is This?!
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Lucy dan Kana bersama dengan pemenang lain dari sidang pertama semua Gray menyambut dan Loke ketika mereka tiba. Makarov mulai annouce yang mengalahkan yang pada sidang pertama. Gray akan terkejut ketika ia mendengar Lucy dan Kana mengalahkan Bixlow dan Goreng. Setelah ia annouces mereka, Lucy dan Kana mengetahui bahwa Evergreen dan Elfman harus pergi dengan Mirajane . Dengan asumsi mereka kalah, mereka benar-benar terkejut melihat mereka kembali mengklaim mereka memukuli Mira. When Natsu tells Happy he's not depressed and just thinking, Happy is shocked, hearing Natsu is thinking about something. Lucy wonders in her head how lowly Happy thinks of Natsu.

Kemudian Natsu bangkit dan tantangan semua Trial S-Class remainding peserta untuk siapa yang akan menang. Ketika sidang berikutnya untuk menemukan Mavis Vermilion makam 'dimulai, Lucy dan Kana mendapatkan dikejar oleh makhluk tokek-seperti raksasa. They eventually manage to get away from the creature, and Lucy ponders about the Master's words about the second test being about intelligence. She realizes with a jolt that she knows where Maxis' grave is, and she rushes off, with Cana right behind her and cheering her, as Gray and Loke follow start following them without noticing them.

Lucy´s group vs Caprico
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Later Lucy was seen with Cana noticing the warning signal that was launched by Erza which is everyone must enter the battle formation. When Cana became upset about the exam being cancelled, she tells Lucy that she is going to continue the exam; Gray and Loke calmed her down. When Cana and Lucy asked Gray and Loke what they were doing, Loke almost told the girls that they were following them, but was stopped by Gray. However, Gray and Loke suggest that they should head back to the camp since they know less information about the enemy.

Then Lucy and the others got attacked by Grimoire Heart Guild members, whom they fought off until Caprico teleported them away, announcing that he would be their opponent in the process. As the fight begins, Caprico immediately kicks Lucy into a wall and continues kicking Gray and Loke. As she and Cana gets up, Caprico explains to the group what Grimoire Heart Guild is trying to acomplish by obtaining Zeref.

Caprico is later revealed to be the celestial spirit, Capricorn The Goat. Loke requests to fight him alone because Caprico's Human Subordination Magic can temporarily weaken humans in battle and since he's a spirit, it doesn't affect him. Lucy refuses to let Loke fight alone but does in the end. Before she leaves, she tells him to come back to her no matter what. After Loke's battle with Capricorn, he returns to Lucy's belt, and informs Lucy that Capricorn will join Lucy's side as well, which she relays to Gray and Cana.

Kain attempts to stomp on Lucy.
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As the three walk together, Cana suddenly interrupts that they should split up to look for the Seven Kin. Lucy stammers that she doesn't want to be alone and Cana says she'll be with her, so Gray leaves them after a few protests. As the two walk together, Cana inquires about the location of Mavis's grave. Lucy replies that she tried to associate different six-letter words with "grave" and when asked about why they had to be six letters, explains that the six hour time limit hinted at something being six letters. She then says the only word she could come up with was "DEMISE" and that the letter "E" is suspicious in that it pops up twice. She asks Cana if she remembers that the first paths were lined up according to alphabetical letters, and suddenly falls asleep on the ground; Cana had used her sleep card on Lucy. Cana then drags the sleeping Lucy a short distance away, but leaves her out in the open regardless. Still asleep, Lucy is happened upon by Kain Hikaru , one of the Seven Kin.

Lucy slams Kain using his doll.
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He tries to stomp on her but she wakes up just in time. [9] Lucy then questions him about Cana's whereabouts to which he replies that it doesn't matter because he'd kill her soon. She then begins to wonder to herself, how she got there, was she sleeping, and when she got seperated from Cana, and then resolves to do something about Kain. He then runs behind a nearby tree trembling and stating that he's strong and that it didn't matter who his opponent was, they wouldn't live if they faced him. [10] When Lucy tells him that anyone who challenged Fairy Tail would be challenged by her, he simply tells her to hold on a second and starts vigorously scratching his head, and then strikes a pose. He then tells her that they were going to fight and says that he'd show her the power of his magic Ushi no Koku Mairi. Then he pulls out a doll and asks Lucy for some of her hair, because his magic needed his opponents hair for it to work. Lucy quickly refuses this request. He goes on to explain his ability, stating that if he were to put some of her hair on the doll he would be able to manipulate her movements, and she stated that after hearing that she definitely wouldn't give him any hair. He looked suprised, and Lucy asked him if he had just realized that. [11]

Natsu protects Lucy from Kain
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Lucy then said that she'd never heard of that magic and that she thought he was bluffing, so he placed his own hair on his doll and gave it to Lucy. She then hit the doll against the ground, and made it do a split in mid air, before he angrily took it back and started chasing her, stating that he was pissed off. Lucy, states that this isn't the time for her to be playing around and then summons Taurus , but Kain beats Taurus in one hit. So she summons Sagittarius who shoots a few arrows at Kain but he simply kicks them back at him and Lucy, defeating Sagittarius as well. Lucy then summons Scorpio who uses Sand Buster, but the attack has no effect on Kain and he defeats Scorpio in one hit. Kain then changed his doll's form into a light source and blasts Lucy with a light attack. Lucy then realizes that the doll was strengthning him, and Kain changed the material of his doll to cotton and then to Iron and tried to finish Lucy but Natsu intervened and kicked him in the face and sent him over to Ultear. [12]

Team Natsu Reformed
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Natsu asks Lucy what she was doing there, and she asked him the same and thanked him for saving her. Happy remarked that Lucy was sent flying over in their direction rather ungracefully, to which Lucy asked if there was a "cool" way to be sent flying. Lucy then asked Natsu if he had an opponent too, to which he replied that Kain was his opponent and that Lucy couldn't take him. She then said that she wasn't taking him, and that it would be a close fight even for Natsu . Natsu replied that it wouldn't be and that he would take him down. Happy then stated that now Natsu had two opponents, and Natsu said that they had added an extra member themselves. He then said that he would put the trial and hold and that they should form a team, Lucy said that it was nostalgic, Happy said that it made him think of when they first met, and Natsu remarked that he was all fired up. Lucy and Natsu then high fived and she and he both remarked that they should defeat them.

Lucy defeats Kain
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After Kain agrees to handle Natsu and Lucy by himself and Ultear takes her leave, Lucy warns Natsu that they cannot allow them to leave, but before Natsu hears her, he attempts to attack Ultear and Kain gets in the way. Lucy tries to help but is under Kain's spell, as he reveals he was capable of taking a string of her hair while chasing her before, and soon takes his revenge by toying with her, and controls her to attack Natsu. Natsu is successful in avoiding one of Lucy's attacks and prepares to counterattack but Lucy's unpredictable movements prove too much for him to avoid. Natsu is eventually able to restrain her and Happy steals his doll. Kain knocks Happy with one blow and tries to recover his doll but Natsu takes it instead, trying to counterattack, however Kain acts faster and delivers a powerful blow to Natsu which ends with him crashing and half-buried by rocks. Unable to move on his own, Lucy tries to summon Virgo, but has no more power left and is subsequently captured and tortured by Kain. Natsu asks her to run, but she refuses, prompting Kain to try to kill Lucy by crushing her head. Before he can do it, Natsu uses the doll to manipulate Lucy and attack Kain. Further boosting Lucy with his own Dragon Slayer magic, Natsu gives Happy the doll so that he can use the speed to further power Lucy, finally defeating Kain Hikaru with a powerful kick to the face. [13]

Lucy and Happy trying to get Natsu out of the boulders
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Lucy is then seen trying to pull Natsu out of the boulders he had gotten stuck in earlier. Happy asks Natsu to break them with his flames to which he responds that that is a good idea. Once Natsu is free they look over and notice that Zeref is no longer there, and Natsu remarks that something is geting in the way of his scent. Lucy then raises her leg and says she has to look for Cana, and Natsu asks her why she was raising her leg. She then begins to chase after Happy who has Mr. Cursey in his hand, and Natsu says that it is time to take a nap. Lucy then says, while bending happy with Mr. Cursey, that they can't because she's worried about Cana and they must search for Zeref. They then begin to speak on Grimoire Heart's goal and Natsu says that since they laid a finger on Makarov that they wouldn't leave the island. Lucy then realizes that they must have a ship somewhere anchored on the island and asks Happy to go search for it, but he repliest that he is out of magic power. Natsu then states that they should get back to where Makarov is resting and that they would have Lily or Charle take care of it. [14]

Lucy's new outfit given to her by Virgo
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She along with Natsu and Happy arrive at the site where Makarov is resting, and when Doranbolt arrives Natsu asks where he went, and Lucy remarks that it is Mest of the Council. He then tells Lucy that his name is really Doranbolt. Wendy begins to ask him something but Doranbolt tells her not to worry because he came there to help them, which suprises Happy and Charle. He then says that with his powers everyone can leave the island, but Lucy and the others refuse. Despite Mest's attempts to convince them otherwise they all decide to stay on the island and fight. [15]

Lucy is then seen changing into clothing brought to her by Virgo and she along with Wendy and Natsu try to convince Doranbolt to stall the council while they defeat Grimoire Heart. [16] Later, she, along with Wendy, Natsu, Happy, and Charle, is beaten in one blow by Grimoire Heart member Bluenote Stinger . [17] [18]

Lucy is then lying on the ground and shocked at the strength of Bluenote. [19]
Peralatan Edit

Her basic items are her Celestial Spirit keys. Currently, she has fourteen different keys.
Aries's Key

8 of 15
Tambah Photo

Emas Tombol:
Aquarius : Summons the Water Bearer, Aquarius.
Taurus : Summons the Bull, Taurus.
Cancer : Summons the Crab, Cancer.
Virgo : Summons the Maiden, Virgo.
Sagittarius : Summons the Centaur, Sagittarius.
Leo : Summons the Lion, Loke.
Gemini : Summons the Twins, Gemi and Mini.
Aries : Summons the Ram, Aries.
Scorpio : Summons the Scorpion, Scorpio.
Capricorn : Summons the Goat, Capricorn.

Silver Kunci:
Crux : Summons the Southern Cross, Crux.
Horologium : Summons the Clock, Horologium.
Lyra : Summons the Lyre, Lyra.
Nikora : Summons the Canis Minor, Nikora(Plue).

Normal Whip : It is a basic kind of whip that ends with a heart-like cracker. She formerly uses this whip until she loses it while fighting Hughes in Edolas.

Fleuve d'étoiles (エトワールフルーグ 星の大河Etowāru Furūgu ): The French for "River of Stars", this is an extending whip, which she got from Virgo. It comes from the Celestial World and is an extending whip from the constellation of Eridanus, the River. After the end of her battle with Byro, she kept it to herself. As the name suggests, it is a whip that has the rope section made of water, with stars of different sizes flowing and/or floating around it. The handle section is smoother and has a thin tassel string at the end, which holds up a single small star. The full name of the whip is "River of Stars of the Eridanus Constellation " (エリダヌス座の星の大河Eridanusu-za no Hoshi no Taiga ).

Gale-Force Reading Glasses : Lucy, being an avid reader, possesses a pair of enchanted reading glasses that allow her to read at an extremely accelerated rate. They allowed her to read Daybreak, a full book, in only a few minutes.
Magic dan Kemampuan Edit

Lucy's magic
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Holder Magic User & Caster Magic User : Lucy is a Celestial Wizard; this means that she specializes in the summoning of Celestial Spirit to do specific tasks on her behalf, be it from minor chores, recreation, to even fighting for her in the battlefield. As for Lucy herself, she exhibits a fair degree of athleticism, and can often be seen dodging attacks aimed at her either through skill or sheer dumb luck. She also possess a unique magic known as Unison Raid and once through the help of Hibiki used the spell Uranometria .
Lucy Kick

4 of 6
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Celestial Spirit Magic : Lucy practices Celestial Spirit Magic , a skill which allows her to summon Spirits from another world or the Celestial World using Keys of the Gates. Her Celestial Spirits have varying levels of power, with different ones suited for different tasks. For example, Aquarius can control water, while Taurus has enormous strength. Lucy explains to Natsu that Celestial Spirit mages have the potential to obtain extremely rare Gold Keys, which open the gates of the "Ecliptic Zodiac", and common, store-bought Silver Keys. Each Gold Key has the Zodiac symbol of the one it is used to summon on it. According to Lucy, while there are large number of Silver Keys, there are only 12 Gold Keys. Thus far in the series, Lucy has obtained 10 Gold Keys and 4 Silver Keys. Lucy's ability to summon her Spirits is limited by how much magic she has to sustain them; if she summons more Spirits, more of her magic is exhausted. She has demonstrated so far that she is able to use five of her Ecliptic Zodiac Keys in one day (as seen in the S-Class Wizard Trial arc where she summons Virgo, Aquarius, Taurus, Sagittarius and Scorpio) so far.
Force Gate Closure: When Lucy was fighting with Sherry in Galuna Island arc, she has gained the ability to shut the Gate of the spirit, who recalled, by force. This is an extraordinary ability because usually closing or opening the Gate is done by mutual consent of the Mage and the Spirit. Also, some of her spirits can pass their gates without being called if she is in danger or out of magic power.
Multiple Summons: Lucy also has the unique ability to summon more than one Celestial Spirit, summoning all of her Gold Keys (5 of them at the time) and one of her Silver Keys (Nikora) at once. In the anime, she summoned all the Spirits she had, including all 4 of her Silver Keys. Although it only lasted a few seconds. Even Karen Lilica , Leo's previous owner and a powerful Celestial Spirit mage, was unable to summon more than one Spirit.

Expert Melee Combatant: She is also a proficient in melee-combat. In addition to her magic, Lucy is efficient in using a whip and her kicks. She used her normal whip against many enemies until she lost it. It was soon replaced when Virgo gave her a whip from the Celestial Spirit World.
Lucy Kick: A final "attack" where Lucy simply kicks her opponents. Used against Naked Mummy members.
Fire Dragon's Iron Fist(Lucy Version) : While being controlled with Mr. Cursey, Natsu ignites Lucy's hands.
Secret Attack: Lucy Fire (必殺 ルーシィファイア Hissatsu Rūshi Faia): While being controlled with Mr. Cursey and after Natsu has ignited her, Happy uses Max Speed to make her whole body catch on fire.
Mayor Battles Edit
with Natsu Dragneel VS Bora = WON
with Natsu Dragneel VS Vulcan = WON
VS Duke Everlue = WON
with Erza Scarlet VS Eisenwald = WON
VS Sherry Blendi = WON
VS Juvia Loxar = LOST
with Juvia Loxar VS Vidaldus Taka = WON
with Loke VS Bixlow = WON
VS Naked Mummy = WON
with Light Team VS Oracion Seis = LOST
VS Angel = WON
with Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster Vs Zero = LOST
with Natsu Dragneel VS Hughes and Byro = WON
with Gray Fullbuster , Loke , Coco and Edolas Fairy Tail VS Edolas Royal Army = WON
with Cana Alberona VS Freed Justine and Bixlow = WON
with Cana Alberona , Gray Fullbuster , Loke VS Caprico (Zoldeo) = UNDETERMINED
with Natsu Dragneel and Happy VS Kain Hikaru = WON
with Natsu Dragneel and Wendy Marvell VS Bluenote Stinger = CURRENT
Keremehan Edit
Lucy is currently the second most popular girl in the series. [20]
There are several running gags in the series that are distinct to Lucy.

Everyone breaks and enters Lucy's apartment...again
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Nearly every time Lucy goes to her apartment, one or more of her teammates is there.
Her quote when summoning her spirits before performing the contract is "I am linked to the path to the world of Celestial Spirits, now! O spirit, answer my call and pass through the gate!"
Hiro Mashima gave Lucy her name when he was listening to the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". [21]
Lucy is one of the representatives of Fairy Tail in the game Sunday VS Magazine: Shuuketsu! Choujou Daikessen! , the other being Natsu.

Lucy's list of perfect boyfriends (with Siegrain right on top of Loke)
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She probably joined the guild on July 3rd. [22]
Lucy's list of perfect boyfriends (with Siegrain right on top of Loke)
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There is an inconsistency with Lucy's age. In an omake, we are told it has been exactly a year since Lucy has joined the guild and this would mean she is 18; yet, in the same omake, she says she is 17. [23] However, chapter 201 mentions that it has only been 6 months since she first joined Fairy Tail.
During a Q&A, when reader asked who was the lead female character in Fairy Tail, Lucy immediately considered herself as such. However, Hiro Mashima said people can draw their own conclusions.
According to Byro, Lucy's Celestial Spirit magic can possibly have the same fundamentals as Anima.
In the manga, Lucy changed clothes during the Phantom Lord arc after she got captured. In the anime, she wore the same clothes.
Mirajane somehow has a spare copy of Lucy's house key and often lends it to Natsu and the others so that they can enter Lucy's house. [24]
Jellal as Siegrain was in Lucy's "Perfect Boyfriend" list, right on top of Loke. [25]
From the Volume 16 Limited Edition: Sorcerer Interview , the best quality of Fairy Tail according to Lucy was that "It has a lot of powerful mages." She wants to become a novel writer in the future. She has a good relationship with Natsu and Levy. Lucy thinks that every job she takes is difficult, and wants easier ones. [26]
Tanda kutip Edit
(About Shop Owner ) "He only came down 1000 Jewels. Is my sex appeal only worth 1000 Jewels?!"
(To Gajeel ) "You're the one who would be in trouble if I died you know. There's no way Fairy Tail would ever forgive you! That's the kind of guild they are."
(About Loke ) "Open, the Door of the Lion! Return Loke to the Spirit World !"
(About Juvia ) "Someone who could shed tears for their friends... could never be rejected from Fairy Tail!"
(Referring to Loke and Aries fighting ) "This just... isn't right..."
(To Loke) "Spirits aren't shield! I fight alongside them! That's my style!"
(To Angel ) "But they feel pain! They have feelings! And yet you call youself a Celestial Spirit Mage?"
(To Erza Knightwalker referring to Erza scarlet )"Erza is nice! She would never do such a thing!"
(To Cana ) "I will become yor partner, Cana! I refuse to let you quit the guild! I will make you an S-Class mage!"
(To Loke) "You'd better come back to me...No matter what!"
Hubungan Edit
Main article: Lucy's Relationships

Ever since Lucy left her home and her father, Mr. Heartfilia , she begins to see Fairy Tail as her new home. Because Lucy is a new member of Fairy Tail, she always thought that it would be hard for her to blend in towards the guild. Though in the end, she quickly manages to create tight bonds with her fellow guild members and became friends with most of them. She realized how strong the members of Fairy Tail's bonds can be during the war against Phantom Lord , saying she is lucky to be a member of Fairy Tail.

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